About Amaitorte & Nekobungi Sumire

Explore Worlds of Cats, Magic, and a Little Wonder.

Amaitorte by Nekobungi Sumire

Nekobungi Sumire (猫分儀スミレ) is a mangaka, webcomic creator, doujinshi artist, translator, and both a game and web developer. While she primarily creates fantasy and queer-themed works, she is also dedicated to exploring new forms of expression, such as manga optimized for dictionary lookups and screen readers for the visually impaired.

Amaitorte is the trademark and brand name of Nekobungi Sumire. Since its founding in 2001, it has served as a gateway to the magical worlds she continues to bring to life through webcomics, ebooks, manga books, games and smartphone apps.

You are now visiting the official Amaitorte website, personally managed by Nekobungi herself. Here, you can explore her works, stay informed about her latest projects, and easily find links to purchase her creations.